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What is binocular vision dysfunction and how do I know if I have it?

Diagnosing Binocular Vision Dysfunction Cedar Park TX 650×350

Binocular vision dysfunction, or BVD for short, is a visual condition that occurs when both eyes cannot coordinate properly. As a result, the line of sight from one eye is slightly misaligned with the other eye. This misalignment heavily stresses your eye muscles as they try to correct the problem and achieve single focus vision.

Diagnosing binocular vision dysfunction can be complicated, and many people suffer from the disturbing symptoms for years before getting a proper diagnosis. Dr. Jennifer Catalasan, our neurovisual optometrist in Austin, TX, is knowledgeable and experienced in diagnosing BVD, and we can spot the signs immediately – so you won’t need to suffer any longer.

What are the signs of binocular vision dysfunction?

If you have BVD, you may experience some or even all of the following symptoms:

  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Double vision
  • Losing your place while reading
  • Headaches or migraines
  • Neck/shoulder strain (from twisting your head to focus)
  • Poor depth perception
  • Problems with balance and/or coordination
  • Motion sickness
  • Panic attacks when driving
  • Agoraphobia (uneasiness in large places)
  • Disorientation
  • Blurry vision

If you suffer from these symptoms and can’t find lasting relief, visit our Austin, TX, eye doctor for a specialized eye exam to diagnose and treat binocular vision dysfunction.

How does someone develop binocular vision dysfunction?

BVD has a tendency to run in families, and you can be born with it. It can also result from a head injury, stroke, and other neurological disorders. Non-hereditary binocular vision dysfunction is commonly caused by car accidents.

How is binocular vision dysfunction diagnosed?

A comprehensive eye exam by a qualified eye doctor is the only reliable way to diagnose BVD. The first step of diagnosis involves filling out a questionnaire designed by professional eye care researchers. These questions offer an efficient way to evaluate if you might have any form of binocular vision dysfunction. At Lakeline NeuroVisual Medicine, we have two customized questionnaires for our patients to take, one for adults (age 14 and older) and one for children (age 13 and younger), respectively. Once we assess your answers, our Austin eye doctor will perform an eye exam and a neurovisual evaluation to determine if your eyes are in alignment or not.

What happens after binocular vision dysfunction is diagnosed?

Prismatic eyeglasses lenses can offer an effective way to relieve the stress and fatigue placed on your visual system. In general, our patients report a significant reduction in their BVD symptoms almost immediately after putting on prismatic lenses. Within a few weeks of visiting for follow-up appointments to fine-tune the customized prismatic prescription, the vast majority of our patients experience a 70-80% reduction of their symptoms!

Have you made multiple trips to other eye care specialists without any real improvement in your vision condition?

This is a typical sign of binocular vision dysfunction, which our Neurovisual Medicine specialist, Dr. Jennifer Catalasan, can diagnose reliably and treat to alleviate your symptoms once and for all. Contact us for an evaluation to diagnose or rule out binocular vision dysfunction – book an eye exam in our Austin, TX, office.

At Lakeline NeuroVisual Medicine, we put your family's needs first. Talk to us about how we can help you maintain healthy vision. Call us today: 512-918-3937 or book an appointment online to see one of our Austin eye doctors.

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